Thursday, August 14, 2008

Making a comeback…

Greetings, sports fan(s). I haven’t written for awhile. (I seem to start a lot of my blog posts that way, don’t’ I?) I haven’t written, mainly because I’ve been pouting about my injury. But after a good solid month of pouting, I’m done with that, and am attempting my comeback.

I’ve mostly accepted that the Twin Cities Marathon is out for me this fall. Not going to happen. (But I do still harbor fantasies of being able to run the whole thing, if I run with Val and if I do 5:1 intervals.) However, I am considering trying to speedwalk the marathon, and more walking is part of my comeback/rehab program. This week marked the official beginning of the comeback.

The primary goal of the comeback is to be able to run more than 2 miles without pain. So, my program includes starting at low intervals and progressing my way back to 10:1s very slowly. Get my base back, get my legs solid, and then I can start training for Fargo 2009 on January 3rd. (I wish I could do Grandma’s again next year, but I just don’t think it’s possible with the wedding…well, maybe. We’ll see.)

So far, the rehab is going well. The program is pulled from the FIRST Novice program (ouch—I’m a novice?), and involves lots of walking, and small, incremental running. After I’ve finished with the official workout for the day, I’m trying to add on extra walking mileage, to gauge if I can walk the marathon in the speed required. In order to make the 6:15 cut-off, I need to maintain a speed of 14:20 min/mile or faster. So far, I’ve been averaging 13:30, so that’s good.

My mom suggested to me awhile ago that I get out and walk if I can’t run. I refused. I’ve known all along the reason why I refused to do that at first, but I’m trying to get over it—and get over myself. The main reason I didn’t want to get out and walk was because I’m a runner, not a walker. (Although most would argue that I’m not even a runner, because of my pace and because I take walk breaks on long runs. So there, I guess.) I see people running and working and probably training for the marathon, and I know that they’re secretly scoffing at me, because I’m just walking. I’m walking pretty darn fast, but still, just walking. Apparently I have some issues to get over. But I read in Paula Radcliffe’s autobiography that she would go out and walk for two hours when injured, to stay in shape and cross-train. And I thought, good lord, if Paula Radcliffe can suck it up, so can I. And so begins the walking. Last night I walked 4.5 miles and maintained a pace of 13:30. Pretty good! I gave myself a pat on the back and then ate some chips.

I’m still bummed about the injury and the loss of fitness, but I’m trying to get over it. I was so dang fit, I felt so awesome and I looked pretty good, too, right before that dang 17 mile long run in St. Cloud. But I will get back there, I will get back there. I will BQ, even if it’s not until 2015, I will do it. I’m also reading more marathoning books, seeing if I can find a middle-ground type program. I loved the FIRST program, but I wonder if it might not be the best marathon program for me. Or I might tweak it a bit, and instead of the cross-training days, add in some easy runs. No matter what, post-run yoga and foam rolling has become a part of my routine again, and that’s going to help.

So, that’s me. Truckin’ along, making my comeback.