Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm injured. Again. It's my IT Band. Again. But this time, it's actually the left one, not the right one like last year.

I'm not exactly sure why it's injured, but it is. I set out for my 17 mile long run this past weekend, and shortly after turning around (about 8.5 miles), I started feeling the twinge. I ran for about another 2 miles, hoping it would work itself out, but it didn't. I tried walking for an extended time, and then running, but that didn't work either. Eventually, I had to resign myself to the fact that I'd be walking the last 5 miles back. GREAT. (But at least I kept my walking speed up, and my average pace for the run turned out to be 11:15.)

I iced it, took some Aleve, did some diligent stretching, all of the good stuff. I fully expected to be able to complete my speedwork last night. The workout was 5 x 1K with 400 meter rest intervals. No problem, right? Wrong. I got through the warm-up and two intervals, and then the pain kicked in. Finally, in the middle of the third interval, I gave up. I was just too frustrated and it hurt too much. I walked the last 2.5 miles home.

That 2.5 miles gave me plenty of time to feel sorry for myself and whine (internally) and eventually, try to come up with a plan. I'm not happy about it, but here's my plan:

1) Take the rest of this week off. No running. None, Sara, none.
2) Run easy 3-4 mile runs 3 times next week and lots of biking
3) No running while in Yellowstone; but walking and hiking are ok.
4) Start up again on 7/21 and adjust long runs so that they go 13, 15, 18, 20, then pick up the schedule again; take it easy on speedwork
5) Buy new shoes
6) LOTS of yoga, Aleve and icing

So, that's my plan. I already ordered the new shoes. I got a pair of Kayanos from Road Runner Sports online. I've always thought that my latest pair of 2130s was kind of often feels like there is no cushioning. It could be that I got a bum pair, or it could be the design, too. But I know a lot of marathon runners who train in Kayanos, and at this point, I'll pay extra for extra cushioning.

Also, the wear pattern on the bottom of my 2130s is kind of odd. It looks like I'm striking the heel on the outside and then rolling inward. I might need to work on some form drills. Perhaps running faster has messed with my form a bit?

It'll be really hard to start up again on 7/21, but I think that it's the best course of action. I really wish that this could've happened about a week right before Yellowstone. That way, I would have no second thoughts about taking a week off. Essentially, I'll be taking 3 weeks off. That's going to be hard to bounce back from. I'll see how next week goes. If things feel ok on the short, easy runs next week, I'll take my gear to Yellowstone and do some short, easy runs there, too. But I am definitely taking the rest of this week off. I'll get in more yoga tonight and tomorrow, too.

So, that's the scoop. It's so frustrating, but I know I need to think long term. And I know that if I can't finish TCM in 4:30 this year that it means that it's impossible. I just need to stay positive and keep the big picture in mind. Big picture. Send happy vibes to that IT band...

Oh yeah, and Abe and I set a date for our wedding. June 6, 2009! Woohoo!


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