Friday, June 20, 2008


The new apartment is slowly coming together, but it's not as perfectly located for running as I thought. The trails along the river can be pretty hilly at points, and are frequently interrupted by stoplights. Plus, part of the West River trail is closed due to the bride construction. I've really been missing my lakes and my Kenilworth trail. At first, I thought I was missing my old apartment and that thought horrified me. But no, I've just been missing my old running routes.

So, last night, I decided that I would bike from the U to the Running Room, stash my bag, do my 7 mile tempo run and then bike home. OH MY GOD. I was thinking, hey, if this works, I can just do this! Well, yeah, it didn't work. I ended up biking 6 miles, running 6.5 and biking 7 miles. That was just a little too much. I pretty much passed out at 9 pm last night, which left poor Abe to finish the laundry. (Thanks Abe!)

So, my new tactic will be this, I think--I think that I will drive to Lake of the Isles to do speedwork, and then do my tempo runs from home. Yes, it's hilly, but since the FIRST program does not involve hill training (and the marathon involves MANY hills), this isn't such a bad thing. There really isn't a good space for speedwork around our new place, so I'll have to drive to a good spot. But I can justify once a week, especially since I bike or bus to work every day.

Anyway, that's the new plan. Last's night tempo was supposed to be a 7 mile tempo with 5 miles at my planned marathon pace of 9:39. I really, really struggled to keep that 9:39 at the end, which made me feel ashamed. And I cut my cool-down short, just walking a half mile for a cool down. Perhaps I struggled because I biked before I ran, or maybe it was those potato chips I had for lunch, but it was tough. I need to be more careful about what I eat on running days. And non-running days, really. It's marathon training time. It's deprivation time.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So, I rocked my speedwork last night. So much for worrying that I wouldn't be able to hit 8:06 for each of my 1600 m repeats. My times were: 7:54, 7:57, and 7:51. Oops. :) It was hard, though, and that's good. Speedwork has gotten easy recently, and it's time to to put the "work" back in "speedwork." Mission accomplished last night.

All in all, it was a good start to marathon training. It was funny--I was talking to my mom last night about the race and she said "Oh, I thought you weren't going to train for it?" Um, yeah. No. I'm going to train like my life depends on it! I have no clue where she got that idea, but I'm certainly training for this race. Hard. Bring it on!

Oh. Hmm. One thing I just remembered--before I started my speedwork last night, I did an extra-long warm-up, that included some butt kick and knee lift drills and some strides. I wonder if that helped at all? Guess I'll try it next week and see what's what.

Thursday is a 6 mile run, with 2 miles easy, 2 miles at short-tempo pace (8:39) and 2 miles easy. Nice and easy. Weekend is 13 miles done at 10:09. Total mileage for the week will be 25 miles.

Fun times!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tonight begins my official marathon training. Twin Cities, here I come!

This past weekend, I did a long run of 11.5 miles. A good distance to get me warmed up for this weekend's jaunt of 13 miles. I realized, though, that Sunday's 11.5 miles will be my shortest long run for the next 18 weeks. Yikes. From here on out, I bounce around between 13 and 20 miles. (Once again, I must state the crazy fact that I will run 20 miles 5 times during this program. 5 TIMES.) 11.5 miles seems like a pretty short run, in fact.

The run went fine; had plenty of Gatorade and Sport Beans. I even stopped by the boathouse on Calhoun and filled up my two empty flasks with water. I was well-hydrated and well-fueled. And flying. Well, for me anyway. My average pace for those 11.5 miles was 9:23. It was supposed to be about 10:00. I felt fine during and after the run, though. So...what do I do about my pace?!

I figure that I have two options. One, I can work harder to slow myself down. My long runs should now be run at a 10:30 to 10:45 pace. That seems so impossibly slow to me, but I guess once you start getting up to 18 miles, that might not seem so bad. These paces are based on a 27:00 5K time, and a planned marathon pace (PMP) of 10:00.

Officially, my 5K time is 26:00. When I first started doing the FIRST half program, the paces associated with the 26:00 5K seemed insane. But now, those paces don't look entirely impossible. A 26:00 5K prescribes a PMP of 9:39. Not completely crazy...

I know, I know--for anyone who reads this, you're probably thinking, "Shut up about your pace already! If you can run faster, run faster!" Well, that's what I've decided to do. I will do my speedwork tonight, utilizing the 26:00 5K paces. Tonight is 3 x 1600 meters (my favorite :P), and each rep needs to be run in 8:09. I can do it. I'll have to do a really good, long warm-up and probably some strides to get my speed up before I begin the first interval, but I can do it. Woohoo!

On a different note, this weekend is moving weekend. YAY! I could not be happier to leave One Ten Grant. The stupid elevator is not working AGAIN. Please tell me why we are paying $1300 or more and our elevators don't work? It's ridiculous. It's a run-down building that's not worth the money. I can't wait to move into the convent, into our funky loft and hit all the hipster NE bars. It will be fun.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Addendum to previous post:

Our new neighbor does not like to blare death metal; he actually has a wide range of tastes. Last night, for example, he was blaring Weezer. I can't really argue with that, except for the volume I guess. I made my first noise disturbance call to the office last night on this newbie. I cannot wait to get out of One Ten Grant. I didn't think it was possible to hate any place more than the bedbug-ridden Haverhill, and it's probably not, but OTG is a close second...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Back to it...

Well, I ended my brief post-race rest. Just an “easy” 5 miles, out to Cedar Lake Parkway and back. I am not capable of doing easy anything; I think I need to just admit that. I kept trying to slow myself down, but to no avail. Oh well. I averaged 9:22, which is great. I was hoping to keep it more like 9:42, but I just felt so good! I had to get my groove on.

Speaking of feeling good and grooving, my race last Sunday was f-ing a. It was AWESOME. AWESOME. I seriously can’t say it enough—AWESOME. Probably my best race ever. I was super nervous because I was running the race alone and without my iPod. First race I’ve ever done on my own, farthest I’ve gone without my iPod. But I was one fire—well, literally, because it was dang hot at 8am—but also figuratively. According to my trusty Garmin, I finished 10.12 miles in 1:34:44. I totally made my goal of 1:35:00 or less! Woohoo! Honestly, I’m a little surprised that my time wasn’t faster, because every time I checked my watch, I’d be running sub-9 minute miles. And this from a girl who was really hoping to average 9:30. I did walk up Team Ortho’s version of Heartbreak Hill on the second lap, though, and that probably dragged my time down. Although, maybe not. I doubt I could’ve ran up much faster! But anyway, I’m really pleased with my performance.

This week is just a “rest” week with easy 5 tonight, easy 5 tomorrow and then 11 on Saturday, with about a 9:48 average pace. I might re-examine my FIRST book, though, and see what some potential training paces are for a slightly faster race pace. Technically, I’ve been basing my training paces on a 27:00 5K time, when I have run a 26:00 5K. Maybe it’s time to try the real thing.

Anyway. That’s running. Engagement excitement has given way to moving anxiety. We move next Friday, June 13th. Hardly anything is packed, and Abe is working really late every night. I have a feeling that starting this weekend, all we’ll be doing is packing, and that next week will just plain suck. But I’m so happy to get out of this place. Our new neighbor moved in last weekend, and he apparently likes to blast death metal. GREAT. I have the best luck. I hope that the residents of Stonehouse Square will be a little more mature and respectful.

Abe, I love you!