Friday, February 27, 2009

Inter-Tempo on a Treadmill

Last night was supposed to be a 28 minute tempo run outside, but since Minneapolis received about 6 inches of snow in 4 hours…I moved the workout inside to the treadmill.

One thing I don’t like about the treadmill is that I can’t run as fast on the treadmill as I can outside. I know that it’s the opposite of most people’s experience; it’s weird. So, rather than aim for my tempo run on the treadmill, I did a kind of interval/tempo hybrid workout, using the Kara Goucher/Nike/iTunes workout thingy. Here’s an overview:
4” walking
2.5” @ 5.7 (warm-up)
2.5” @ 5.8 (warm-up)
4” @ 6.1 (interval 1)
4” @ 5.9 (recovery 1)
4” @ 6.2 (interval 2)
4” @ 6.0 (recovery 2)
4” @ 6.3 (interval 3)
4” @ 6.1 (recovery 3)
4” @ 6.4 (interval 4)
5” @ 6.0 (cool-down)

So, between the intervals and recovery, that gave me an average pace of 6.1 mph, or 9:50 m/m pace. Nowhere near the previous week’s 8:48, but again—I can’t run fast on a treadmill! It was still a good workout; I felt great afterwards. Then I did my stretches and my core work. Good times.

I also realized something last night, reading my new “Running Times” magazine—I am obsessed with running. Like, seriously obsessed. Most people who know me are probably saying “duh,” but it was a newsflash to me! I not only love running myself, I love reading about it, talking about it, thinking about it…I just love it. If only I could be a professional runner. Maybe someday? (Hey, a girl has the right to dream!)

Tonight is an easy 5. Not sure if I’ll be indoors or out, but it’ll be a good workout. This weekend is 8, and that definitely needs to be outdoors. Please don’t be too cold!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 x hills

I ran too far last night. Oops. (Although, honestly, is it possible to run too far when you’re hoping to run a marathon in 8 months?) I did my hill workout last night, 4 reps. My total mileage ended up being 6.32, and my total time ended up being just over an hour (1:02:15, I think). Which means, that even with my hill reps, I averaged just under ten minutes per mile! Holy cow. Now, I know that seems amazingly slow for a lot of people, but for me, especially including a hill workout, that’s pretty good. Woohoo!

I tried something new for my hill workout, too. In my “beginner” years, my coach would have us do our run up and down the hill, and then we would recover for however long it took us to go up or down. This was usually about 2:30 or 3:00 minutes. Last night, I decided that rather than take the recovery at the bottom, that I would run up, and then walk down the hill for recovery. I actually ended up not walking much and slowly jogging down the hill, but it worked! (Plus, it’s probably better for my IT Band to slowly jog down the hill.) The 4th rep was tough, but I had some Weezer to keep me going. We’ll see if this new methodology works for the week when I have to 8 reps.

I also took the long way home, which I think accounts for the more-than-expected mileage. But it was fun. I had to run up a smallish hill on this route, and I admit—I did briefly think about walking up the hill because I had already done my hill workout. No! And then I thought to myself “You are not a beginner anymore. You are not taking walk breaks anymore, except on the long run. You do not walk up hills.” That got me moving. Plus, I also have this fear of hills all of a sudden. I’m hoping that my hill reps make me stronger and less fearful of hills. I’m going to start doing my tempo runs over hillier terrain too. Ideally.

On a non-running note, I realized something about myself this morning—I really don’t mind doing grunt work. I actually kind of like it. I don’t like high-level, strategy analytical mumbo-jumbo. When I have to do that kind of stuff, I get anxious and crabby. Just let me do my data entry, run errands around the building and rummage in boxes for samples and I’m a happy gal. Just food for thought. It’s good to know these things about myself, especially when someone starts asking me why I’m going to nursing school instead of medical school. (Because, among the myriad of other reasons, I don’t want to be a doctor!)

Tonight is a much-deserved rest night. I plan on doing a yoga DVD—either the “Base” workout in the “The Athlete’s Guide to Yoga,” or my Crunch! Yoga/Pilates DVD. Maybe the latter—“The Athletes Guide to Yoga” still intimidates me in a lot of ways.

Tomorrow is a 28 minute tempo run. No clue what to pick as my average tempo pace. Last week, I averaged 8:48. I did it, but almost puked at the end. But 9:30 is way too slow—that’s my easy pace now. 9:10, maybe? I guess I’ll see…

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Anti-social tendencies...

And not just related to my blogging! I think I have them. I don't know how or why it happened, but I do seem to have become anti-social in my older years. I used to be a loud, boisterous theatre person who had to be the center of attention, and now I've become someone who is quite happy in her quiet apartment, reading a book. In fact, most nights, I would rather do the latter than go out somewhere with a group of people. I wonder if my current occupation has done this to me? I work for a very social, very cliquey organization, where I'm surrounded by extroverts all day. I do think that this has pushed me into the introverted camp. That, plus my crowd claustrophobia, has made me somewhat anti-social I think. I don't like this about myself. I really don't. I need to work on this. Any suggestions?

Back to running...after a quality running week, I decided to take the weekend off. Abe and I went out of town to visit his family, and while I could've run out on the prairie, I decided not to. I had a speedy tempo run (average pace 8:48!) on Thursday night, and then a nice recovery run of 6.5 on Friday morning. My legs felt worked, so I took the weekend off. I think it has helped me mentally, too, because I'm really looking forward to running tomorrow. It'll be an easy 4, but it'll be warm-ish and sunny! Woohoo!

In other fun running news, my tax return has come! That means NEW RUNNING SHOES! Yes! I will be placing my order tomorrow. I'm planning on getting a new pair of Asics 2140s, and then a pair of DS-Trainers for speedwork, and easy days. I remember being told once that it's good to alternate your shoes when you run a lot (if you could call 25 miles over 5 days a lot, which most people wouldn't, but give me time!!). That's what I'll do.

So, back to blogging. I tried blogging via, but something just didn't feel right. And this way, my only reader (my dear soon-to-be husband) can leave comments.

I'm looking forward to this week. I think it'll be a good week, running-wise, and non running-wise. I'm staying positive, and I am going to be more social.

PS--I re-read some of my old posts, and had to chuckle. Especially at my comments about the FIRST plan, and my post-marathon feelings. While I think the FIRST plan has merit, I've abandoned it in favor of building a base for higher mileage, and I'm totally doing TCM this fall. Oh well. :)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Addendum: Abe keeps telling me that I need to trust myself more—and he’s right. I need to trust myself more in a lot of areas of life, and now that includes running. So, here I go. Trusting myself means knowing myself, too. I know that the max I really want to do per week is 4 days. I know that I like the FIRST program because of the variety I get. I know that I like to bike and do yoga and other things. I know that I want to get faster and that I wouldn’t mind a break from marathons. I know that the FIRST program made me a heck of a lot faster. Well, there you go. Do what you like and like what you do.

I’m having an existential crisis. My running identity is in serious doubt, and I’m stressing.

I made it 20 miles in yesterday’s Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon. 20 miles is pretty crazy on basically no training (heck, I’ve been running 20 miles a WEEK for the last two months), and I’m also proud that I stopped when I did. Granted, I probably should’ve stopped at the first sign of pain (around mile 9), and not kept going, but oh well. I did. I made it 20 miles, and that’s pretty darn good, especially given the conditions.

I’m not upset about not finishing, I’m truly not. But I do feel disillusioned, and I don’t know why. I came away from the race feeling that I don’t really ever want to do TCM again, and that I’d stick to the 10 mile race. I also felt like I didn’t really ever want to do another marathon again.

I don’t know. I guess I need some time to think about and process all this junk. And honestly, deep down, I don’t think I’ll ever give up marathons completely—at least, that’s if the IT band holds out. But I think I need a break. And I’m sure I set myself back quite a bit going as far as I did yesterday. But I’ll just be taking it easy. And working on getting my running legs back. And then maybe I’ll train for and run the Earth Day Half Marathon in April 2009.

I did start to wonder yesterday if perhaps I’d be better off spending the next year or so really focusing on pace, and get that under control, and *then* aim for another marathon. Maybe I just didn’t give myself enough time to get faster? I don’t know. It’s just a thought right now. If anything, there’s nothing wrong with running shorter races for awhile before tackling a marathon again. If I tackle one again. J

I do like the FIRST plan. I’ve been realizing that more and more. I like only running 3 days a week, and having such specific workouts. But so many out there poo-poo the plan, and think you have to run crazy mileage. Maybe you do. Obviously, I didn’t get to test the FIRST plan for a marathon this year. Because I got injured. Maybe that should say something in of itself? But then I look at the Pfitz program and I really wonder if I could do 55 miles a week. That just seems like so much.

I don’t have to decide now, I don’t have to decide now. I’ve got some options—FIRST, Pfitz, Hal Higdon. When the time comes, I can see where I’m at and decide then. For now, it’s just a matter of running and hanging out, getting my mileage back up.

Maybe I won’t even train for anything specific. Who knows? For now, my focus is going to be on running 4 days a week, and gradually increasing my “long” runs up to ten miles. I’ll run Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays and Sundays. On my “off” days, I’ll focus on core work and yoga. And on Saturdays, I’ll snuggle with my Abe.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Making a comeback…

Greetings, sports fan(s). I haven’t written for awhile. (I seem to start a lot of my blog posts that way, don’t’ I?) I haven’t written, mainly because I’ve been pouting about my injury. But after a good solid month of pouting, I’m done with that, and am attempting my comeback.

I’ve mostly accepted that the Twin Cities Marathon is out for me this fall. Not going to happen. (But I do still harbor fantasies of being able to run the whole thing, if I run with Val and if I do 5:1 intervals.) However, I am considering trying to speedwalk the marathon, and more walking is part of my comeback/rehab program. This week marked the official beginning of the comeback.

The primary goal of the comeback is to be able to run more than 2 miles without pain. So, my program includes starting at low intervals and progressing my way back to 10:1s very slowly. Get my base back, get my legs solid, and then I can start training for Fargo 2009 on January 3rd. (I wish I could do Grandma’s again next year, but I just don’t think it’s possible with the wedding…well, maybe. We’ll see.)

So far, the rehab is going well. The program is pulled from the FIRST Novice program (ouch—I’m a novice?), and involves lots of walking, and small, incremental running. After I’ve finished with the official workout for the day, I’m trying to add on extra walking mileage, to gauge if I can walk the marathon in the speed required. In order to make the 6:15 cut-off, I need to maintain a speed of 14:20 min/mile or faster. So far, I’ve been averaging 13:30, so that’s good.

My mom suggested to me awhile ago that I get out and walk if I can’t run. I refused. I’ve known all along the reason why I refused to do that at first, but I’m trying to get over it—and get over myself. The main reason I didn’t want to get out and walk was because I’m a runner, not a walker. (Although most would argue that I’m not even a runner, because of my pace and because I take walk breaks on long runs. So there, I guess.) I see people running and working and probably training for the marathon, and I know that they’re secretly scoffing at me, because I’m just walking. I’m walking pretty darn fast, but still, just walking. Apparently I have some issues to get over. But I read in Paula Radcliffe’s autobiography that she would go out and walk for two hours when injured, to stay in shape and cross-train. And I thought, good lord, if Paula Radcliffe can suck it up, so can I. And so begins the walking. Last night I walked 4.5 miles and maintained a pace of 13:30. Pretty good! I gave myself a pat on the back and then ate some chips.

I’m still bummed about the injury and the loss of fitness, but I’m trying to get over it. I was so dang fit, I felt so awesome and I looked pretty good, too, right before that dang 17 mile long run in St. Cloud. But I will get back there, I will get back there. I will BQ, even if it’s not until 2015, I will do it. I’m also reading more marathoning books, seeing if I can find a middle-ground type program. I loved the FIRST program, but I wonder if it might not be the best marathon program for me. Or I might tweak it a bit, and instead of the cross-training days, add in some easy runs. No matter what, post-run yoga and foam rolling has become a part of my routine again, and that’s going to help.

So, that’s me. Truckin’ along, making my comeback.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Back to posting…
Wow, a lot to write about today. Or, more accurately, think out loud about.

First things first: running. Still injured. I ran on Monday night with my run club, and did fine. We did 20 minutes of 6:1s, and I had no problems. I went out on Tuesday, hoping to run 3 easy miles, willing myself to slow down to a 10:30 pace. I made it to 2 miles and then felt the pain kick in. I tried to run through it for about 1 minute, and then realized that it was no good. Burst into tears and started walking home. I had myself a fine little pity party on Tuesday night. Rather than coming home, stretching out, icing my knee and taking Aleve, I took a shower and crawled into bed. I was so upset. To non-runners (or even some runners) maybe it seems silly. It even seemed a little silly to me, when I could step outside my disappointment. But I just couldn’t stop feeling sorry for myself. I knew that night that the marathon was out (maybe…I now have a crazy idea), but I also knew that that wasn’t what was upsetting me the most. It took a bit, but I realized that what upsets me the most is how long it’s going to take to work back to the level of running fitness that I was at. I worked so hard to be so fit and now I have to do it all over again. It’s just so frustrating and disappointing. I know that I have a 4:30 marathon in me, and I really think I have a 3:40 (Boston qualifying time or “BQ”) in me. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, because I’ll be essentially starting over.

Anyway, I tried running on the treadmill on Thursday, thinking that maybe that would be easier on my legs. Wrong. Pain kicked in at exactly two miles. So, I hopped off and did my yoga.

I’d officially given up on TCM until last night when I was talking with some friends and a crazy idea struck me—what if I stopped running completely until the marathon, and then just tried running the marathon? Or maybe run the week before, just to make sure I can run more than 2 miles? Hmmm. It’s a thought. My gal pal Val is running the marathon (we’ve run Grandma’s together twice), and it’d be fun to run with her. Anyway, it’s an idea.

The good thing about my ITBS is that I’m re-discovering how much I love my bike. Even considering doing the Iron Girl again after all this year.

And speaking of biking, it’s been fun to have this week off and watch the Tour. I’ve been pulling for Team Garmin Chipotle, and it looks like Christian VandeVelde will finish fourth this year; go Christian!

Next topic: vacation. Abe and I got back from our Western adventure in Yellowstone just a week ago. It was a great vacation, but I was glad to be home. It wasn’t the most relaxing vacation, which I guess I knew going into it. I just didn’t realize how much we’d be in the car during the actual vacation. Yellowstone is HUGE. Absolutely huge, and you have to drive at least 50 miles one way to get to any “attractions.” We never did see Old Faithful, because we couldn’t find parking!! One day, we drove down to Grand Teton National Park, and that was definitely my favorite day (despite the sulking I did hiking around Jenny Lake. I don’t even remember why I was being such a pissant.). Coming back on the boat shuttle across Jenny Lake, I got out the binoculars and saw climbers crossing a lower snowfield on Grand Teton and that was awesome. Much to Abe’s chagrin, I want to climb Grand Teton. ☺

In fact, I wouldn’t mind using this running injury to actually try a climbing class, but I’m a little apprehensive about going to Vertical Endeavors, b/c I really don’t want to run into Aaron (my ex). But Midwest Mountaineering really only has a bouldering cave. I guess if I really do want to climb, I’ll have to deal. We’ll see.

Final topic: what am I going to do with my life? So, I start back at Target on Monday. I’m excited, and a little nervous. I’m anxious to know what area I’ll be training in, and I’m a little nervous about the Merchandising world. I figure I’ll either love it or hate it. Actually, I probably shouldn’t let myself think that! It’ll be different than TSS, I know. I think it’ll be good. I’m excited.

Also, curiousity got the best of me last week. I still never received a decision letter from St. Kate’s, regarding the post-baccalaureate nursing program, so I decided to call. Turns out, I’m “rather high up” on the alternate list (to quote the admissions director); I could get a spot in the program for this fall or next January, and still start in the January 2010 nursing courses. I was pretty surprised. Mostly because I forgot that being an alternate was even an option! The admissions director did also say that they are considering giving each alternate a guaranteed spot in the Fall 2009 program. It sounded like a done deal, but I’m not sure if it was. So it seems that I have a spot, eventually, if I want it.

Of course, I had already decided that I wasn’t going to nursing school, but equally of course, I’m second-guessing my second-guessing. Will I ever learn? Anyway, both Abe and my friend Kate have encouraged me to not make a decision until I have to make a decision. What’s the harm in taking a little microbiology?

I had my reasons for deciding not to do it, and they are definitely still factors. But I wonder if I still just want to do it. Or if I know that I’ll just always wonder…it’ll always be that thing that I keep coming back to. I don’t know. Not making a decision. Keeping my spot on the list, I guess. One good thing is that it’ll give me some time off from school, and that is good.

Anyway, that’s my life up until this point, sitting on the futon, watching the final stage of the Tour de France, still recovering my from Chipotle last night. Abe won free Chipotle for 10 people so we had a burrito party last night. In honor of Team Garmin Chipotle, I had the chicken burrito. Yum, such a treat. I biked for 2 hours yesterday afternoon, too, to justify it.

It’s hard to feel like I can eat like I used to, when I’m not working out as hard. I biked 25 miles yesterday and only burned about 700 calories (according to my Garmin). I was like, dang! If I had ran 25 miles, I would’ve burned like 3,000 calories.

Ok, time for more coffee.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm injured. Again. It's my IT Band. Again. But this time, it's actually the left one, not the right one like last year.

I'm not exactly sure why it's injured, but it is. I set out for my 17 mile long run this past weekend, and shortly after turning around (about 8.5 miles), I started feeling the twinge. I ran for about another 2 miles, hoping it would work itself out, but it didn't. I tried walking for an extended time, and then running, but that didn't work either. Eventually, I had to resign myself to the fact that I'd be walking the last 5 miles back. GREAT. (But at least I kept my walking speed up, and my average pace for the run turned out to be 11:15.)

I iced it, took some Aleve, did some diligent stretching, all of the good stuff. I fully expected to be able to complete my speedwork last night. The workout was 5 x 1K with 400 meter rest intervals. No problem, right? Wrong. I got through the warm-up and two intervals, and then the pain kicked in. Finally, in the middle of the third interval, I gave up. I was just too frustrated and it hurt too much. I walked the last 2.5 miles home.

That 2.5 miles gave me plenty of time to feel sorry for myself and whine (internally) and eventually, try to come up with a plan. I'm not happy about it, but here's my plan:

1) Take the rest of this week off. No running. None, Sara, none.
2) Run easy 3-4 mile runs 3 times next week and lots of biking
3) No running while in Yellowstone; but walking and hiking are ok.
4) Start up again on 7/21 and adjust long runs so that they go 13, 15, 18, 20, then pick up the schedule again; take it easy on speedwork
5) Buy new shoes
6) LOTS of yoga, Aleve and icing

So, that's my plan. I already ordered the new shoes. I got a pair of Kayanos from Road Runner Sports online. I've always thought that my latest pair of 2130s was kind of often feels like there is no cushioning. It could be that I got a bum pair, or it could be the design, too. But I know a lot of marathon runners who train in Kayanos, and at this point, I'll pay extra for extra cushioning.

Also, the wear pattern on the bottom of my 2130s is kind of odd. It looks like I'm striking the heel on the outside and then rolling inward. I might need to work on some form drills. Perhaps running faster has messed with my form a bit?

It'll be really hard to start up again on 7/21, but I think that it's the best course of action. I really wish that this could've happened about a week right before Yellowstone. That way, I would have no second thoughts about taking a week off. Essentially, I'll be taking 3 weeks off. That's going to be hard to bounce back from. I'll see how next week goes. If things feel ok on the short, easy runs next week, I'll take my gear to Yellowstone and do some short, easy runs there, too. But I am definitely taking the rest of this week off. I'll get in more yoga tonight and tomorrow, too.

So, that's the scoop. It's so frustrating, but I know I need to think long term. And I know that if I can't finish TCM in 4:30 this year that it means that it's impossible. I just need to stay positive and keep the big picture in mind. Big picture. Send happy vibes to that IT band...

Oh yeah, and Abe and I set a date for our wedding. June 6, 2009! Woohoo!