Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 x hills

I ran too far last night. Oops. (Although, honestly, is it possible to run too far when you’re hoping to run a marathon in 8 months?) I did my hill workout last night, 4 reps. My total mileage ended up being 6.32, and my total time ended up being just over an hour (1:02:15, I think). Which means, that even with my hill reps, I averaged just under ten minutes per mile! Holy cow. Now, I know that seems amazingly slow for a lot of people, but for me, especially including a hill workout, that’s pretty good. Woohoo!

I tried something new for my hill workout, too. In my “beginner” years, my coach would have us do our run up and down the hill, and then we would recover for however long it took us to go up or down. This was usually about 2:30 or 3:00 minutes. Last night, I decided that rather than take the recovery at the bottom, that I would run up, and then walk down the hill for recovery. I actually ended up not walking much and slowly jogging down the hill, but it worked! (Plus, it’s probably better for my IT Band to slowly jog down the hill.) The 4th rep was tough, but I had some Weezer to keep me going. We’ll see if this new methodology works for the week when I have to 8 reps.

I also took the long way home, which I think accounts for the more-than-expected mileage. But it was fun. I had to run up a smallish hill on this route, and I admit—I did briefly think about walking up the hill because I had already done my hill workout. No! And then I thought to myself “You are not a beginner anymore. You are not taking walk breaks anymore, except on the long run. You do not walk up hills.” That got me moving. Plus, I also have this fear of hills all of a sudden. I’m hoping that my hill reps make me stronger and less fearful of hills. I’m going to start doing my tempo runs over hillier terrain too. Ideally.

On a non-running note, I realized something about myself this morning—I really don’t mind doing grunt work. I actually kind of like it. I don’t like high-level, strategy analytical mumbo-jumbo. When I have to do that kind of stuff, I get anxious and crabby. Just let me do my data entry, run errands around the building and rummage in boxes for samples and I’m a happy gal. Just food for thought. It’s good to know these things about myself, especially when someone starts asking me why I’m going to nursing school instead of medical school. (Because, among the myriad of other reasons, I don’t want to be a doctor!)

Tonight is a much-deserved rest night. I plan on doing a yoga DVD—either the “Base” workout in the “The Athlete’s Guide to Yoga,” or my Crunch! Yoga/Pilates DVD. Maybe the latter—“The Athletes Guide to Yoga” still intimidates me in a lot of ways.

Tomorrow is a 28 minute tempo run. No clue what to pick as my average tempo pace. Last week, I averaged 8:48. I did it, but almost puked at the end. But 9:30 is way too slow—that’s my easy pace now. 9:10, maybe? I guess I’ll see…


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