Saturday, January 26, 2008

Interestingly, my blogging has fallen off with my use of the treadmill. Of course, it also coincides with the beginning of the semester, so perhaps that’s really the reason. Physiology is very interesting, but also very difficult. It requires a lot of time, maybe even more than anatomy? Anyway, still running (on the treadmill) and studying hard. I’m hoping to do my 8 mile long run outside tomorrow (which reminds me: figure out route!).

I did a fun speed workout on Wednesday, on the treadmill, that I found on Runners World. It’s called the “Fast and Faster” workout. After a ten minute warm-up, you alternate 3 minutes at a tempo pace (for me, 9:30), and 3 minutes at a 5K pace (for me, 9:00). You’re supposed to do this 3-5 times. I did it 6, because a good Weezer song came on. ☺ But it was a great workout. Friday, I did a tempo run of 5 miles. I started with a 1 mile warm-up, then ran 3 miles at 9:30, then a one mile cool-down. It was fun. I am really liking the treadmill, which is good because of brief warm-up is not supposed to last.

I ran on Wednesday and Friday this week, because I went to see “Spirit of the Marathon” on Thursday night. This movie was absolutely incredible. Even if you aren’t a runner, you should see this movie. (You’ll probably want to be a runner after you see it!) The thing that I enjoyed the most about the movie, though, was Deena Kastor. I found her to be absolutely engaging on-screen, whether she was running, lifting weights or just chatting with the filmmaker. She was so humble and so normal and so down-to-earth. And you could see in her face how much she loves running marathons. She was so inspiring and amazing. I know I sound cliché, but I can’t think of the words to describe her. She is my new hero.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Uh-oh…what I feared might happen has happened! I like running on the treadmill! I just did 6.5 miles, and it was quite fun. I played with pace a bit to liven things up, and it was a great workout! I discovered that Alva Star makes very good treadmill running music. (I love John Hermanson…) I also discovered that I prefer the newer gray treadmill to the older black treadmill.

I’m sure I won’t be a total convert; I’m sure I’ll run on pavement again! But I might move my temperature threshold up a bit, to say 15 degrees. Or not. Part of it might be laziness, too—it’s so much easier to hop on the treadmill in my building than it is to get in the car, drive to Lake of Isles and do my run there. Anyway, we’ll see. My 6.5 miles today was a very fun workout.

One last thing I discovered—the aforementioned flying feeling can occur on the treadmill, too. Today it occurred during several Alva Star songs (“Only Dreaming,” “Ghostlight,” “Tornado Girl”) and “Toxic” by Britney Spears. (yeah yeah, I know...)

I love running

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I did it! Kiwi, I did it! I ran on a treadmill. I ran 3 miles tonight on the treadmill! Woohoo!

Ok, I do realize that this seems silly to the average bear. But I have resisted treadmill running ever since I started running…I said that it was because I thought it was for sissies in the winter, but secretly, I was terrified of it. I tried it once, and just couldn’t do it. But I did it today, and it was great! Still not as good as being outside, but I’m really glad to know that I have an alternative when it’s -30 degrees outside. Anyway, yay!!! I’m going to do 4 miles tomorrow, and then 6 on Sunday. And then the single-digit-above-zero temperatures will return (which will feel like a heat wave!), and I can return to my beloved paths.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

PS—A thought just occurred to me while I was reading my yoga book. It kind of occurred to me on today’s run, but I don’t think I quite understood it. It occurred to me why I like running with music—when it’s the right music, the right tempo, the right song for your mood, and your body gets into a rhythm, a flow, almost a trance…it honestly feels a little bit like flying. Today it was “Paradise Lost” by Storyhill. Some days it’s “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson. Or it might be Modest Mouse or Weezer. (I think it’s usually Weezer.) But whatever the tune, there’s always a moment, right before I become aware of it, where I really feel like I am flying. And it’s awesome. And that’s why I like running with music.

Stats 1.13.08:
Run time: 58:12
Run distance: 5.78
Average pace: 10:04
Best pace: 6:44 (?!)
Calories: 735
Rest time: 5:00
Rest distance: .31
Total time: 1:03:12
Total Distance: 6.09
Total average pace: 10:25

Run today started off pretty slow. I was in the mood for some quiet, so I did not listen to my iPod, although I did bring it with me. The first 2 miles were really tough—I felt like I just couldn’t move forward, no matter how hard I tried. My breathing was quite labored too. It was just icky. After about 2 miles I felt more warmed up and ready to go, but I stil couldn’t seem to run below a 10” pace. Halfway around Cedar Lake, I decided to plug in to see if I would run faster listening to music. And yes, indeed, I did run faster. So…overall that doesn’t bode well for running a speedier USATF marathon. I like listening to music when I run; so sue me. But I’m definitely going to have to get used to running without it very soon.

I got a new top at REI yesterday, a Polartec fleece mid-weight layer. But I wore today over a long-sleeve as an outer layer, and it was AWESOME! It’s very trim fitting and cozy. I love it. I also bought a Moving Comfort sports bra, and tried that out today. It was very comfortable, and I will definitely be buying another one soon.

Abe’s playing the video of Storyhill on Channel 2, gotta run!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Run time: 50:12
Run distance: 5.20
Average Run pace: 9:40
Best pace: 7:15
Calories: 713
Rest time: 5:00
Rest distance: 0.38
Total time: 55:12
Total distance: 5.57
Average total pace: 9:55

Well, that’s good. At least I was on target for my overall pace—I wanted to be around 10 minute miles for the entire run. On the whole, tonight felt easier than Tuesday. It actually seemed easiest when I could get myself going a little faster, like around 9:30. Then I felt the groove, the flow—I felt like I was really running. I huffed and puffed it out for the first one and half laps, but the final bit felt normal and easy.

I discovered two things tonight. One, Rilo Kiley’s “Under the Blacklight” CD makes for excellent running music. Two, I do not like armbands for containing my iPod Nano. I just have to hold it, so that I have control over volume or quick fast-fowarding. I love my Nano, but in a way, it was just easier with the Shuffle. Oh well. At least now I can get creative with playlists!

Sunday, I’m going to do 7 miles or so. If the paths in Loring Park weren’t such a disaster, I’d head out on the Kenilworth Trail. Actually, I suppose I still could—I could go a very unorthodox way. Maybe I’ll run up to Lee’s, and start there. I still gotta get back somehow, unless I run around the western perimeter of the park, near the dog park and Joe’s Garage. Maybe I’ll try that. I admit, I’m a little sick of Lake of the Isles.

I would love to run with Kiwi this weekend, but she’s doing 11. I don’t think I’m up for that! But I hope she has a great run, indoors or out.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Run time: 25:57
Run distance: 2.65
Average pace: 9:48
Best pace: 8:52
Calories: 355
Rest time: 2:00
Rest distance: 0.14 mile
Total Time: 27:57
Total Distance: 2.79
Total average pace: 10:02

Last night was my first night back running, after my semi self-imposed break. It was tough. I knew it would be, but maybe I was hoping it wouldn’t be? I decided to just do easy runs this week, and so I only did one loop around Isles last night. I wanted to go slow and take it easy, but I was surprised at how much effort I had to put forth to go so slowly. It felt like I should’ve been running around 9:15, and I was going 10:15.

I also never found my rhythm last night, and that bothered me. Usually it takes me about a mile or 2 to warm up and settle into a rhythm, and then I can forever. But I never got it last night. I felt awkward and clumsy, and like I just started running. I felt more like I was lumbering along the path, not running light and quick. I tried adjusting my arms, my stride, and my breathing, but nothing worked.

It was good to take a break, if only for my mental state. I was so rundown last week, and just not feeling well in general. It was nice to slack off for once. Plus, I was excited to run last night, excited to get started again. I do think it was good for me to take a break, I just wish the comeback wasn’t so difficult!

Thursday night, I’ll do two loops around Isles, and then maybe this weekend, I’ll do 6-8 miles for a long run. Nice and easy, nice and easy…

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year’s Resolution—a break?

I’ve been sick since New Year’s Eve, and haven’t run since 12/27. Argh. On one hand, I know I need a break. On the other, I’m flogging myself for not getting out there and just running, no matter what.

Oh, wait! I have run since 12/27, I ran a 5K on 12/31—the Running Room’s Resolution Run. I came in at a disappointing 30:07. The paths were not cleared and covered with soft snow that hadn’t been packed down yet. It felt like running in sand. I even wrote an email to the Park Board, notifying them of the conditions of the paths, and they basically said “too bad, so sad.” Oh well. At least I tried.

Anyway, my New Year’s resolution was to get back into my routine of running, yoga and studying, but that hasn’t happened this week. My plan is to run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday of each week, but I didn’t run Tuesday because I didn’t feel well. I’m not running today because I don’t feel well. I do plan on running tomorrow if I feel better, and hopefully I can sneak in a long, slow run on Sunday. Only 8 miles or so, but at least it’s something.

The FIRST program gets results, but man, it is intense. I think I might be a little burned out on it. I miss going for fun, easy jogs. In a way, it’s easier to get out in the cold and dark when I have a specific workout in mind. And it makes me feel cool, because I know that that’s what elite runners do. But still, it’s tough. Half-marathon training starts on Tuesday, January 29th, and I’m committed to using the FIRST methodology to train for the Depot Half Marathon on June 1st. I have 3.5 weeks between now and then. I’d better keep my base up!

Anyway, I intended to maybe take a break from running for awhile, or at least running using the FIRST program. But I think I’ll push on through. I’ve got TCM in 4:30 to think about…